Green Lemon and Orangeade

Regular readers of this part of the blog will come to realise that I’m a fan of ginger. In juices ginger adds to the flavour of the sweeter juices. I use small amounts of chilly in the stronger flavoured vegetable based juices for the same effect.


6 kale Leaves

2 handfuls spinach

2 sticks celery

1 small-medium cucumber

1 large/2 small apples

1 lemon

1 orange

a knob of ginger root


Wash all ingredients and feed them into your juicer. There is no need to peel or core any of the ingredients and you can add in the celery leaves.

Store the second serving in a Mason/Kilner jar or similar) in the fridge for up to 12 hours.

As with most juices, this tends to separate so will need stirring after taking it out of the fridge.

Servings = 2


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